Know the Benefits of Learning VFX
Let’s look into the Top Ten Benefits of Learning VFX for a career.
Creativity, popularity, and handsome money for a job well done; Sky is the limit for VFX artists. Animation/VFX technology is one of the fastest-growing industries in India. Apparently, the public is starting to gain much wisdom about this. As a result, more and more people of creative and artistic capability are getting attracted to it, realizing its scope in the future. Technology has rapidly evolved in recent times which enabled the world to function even faster and easier. The future of the upcoming generation truly lies in the hands of technology. Thus the benefits of learning VFX are quite obvious, as it is already well-known that the opportunities it can bring are infinite through VFX learning. Let’s have a quick analysis of the Graphic designing industry slowly prospering in the postmodern era and how is it influencing the overall global economy.
What is VFX?
VFX aka Visual TEMP effects is majorly helpful in bringing visual effects to the screen. To create a world/environment that doesn’t even exist in the actual world, to create effects that are impossible/too difficult or dangerous to shoot, to save the expense of setting up an elaborate and complicated set, and to produce action sequences that are impossible to recreate in real life; the role of VFX is inevitable to the fictional/non-realistic films. The scenes in which VFX effects have to be added are shot on a green screen background meanwhile the actors will enact the pre-rehearsed script controlled by the director.
Each step/movement of the actor will be under the control of this fool-proof script; eventually, VFX artists will sync the actions of actors with the graphically created environment. If the best quality VFX is used, it’ll be difficult to differentiate whether it’s CGI (Computer-generated imagery) or a human-created set. The quality of VFX is often synonymous with the quality of the film.
The best VFX Institute in Kochi with an elaborate and effective syllabus will help you to be a top VFX artist in demand. It is certainly an artistic job lopsided to the creative arena. Technicalities and intricacies aside, this is for people whose imagination seems no boundaries. Now that we’ve covered the general idea regarding VFX, let’s move on to the benefits;
Freedom of Artistic Expression
VFX job is unlike those dry, dead-end jobs that completely drain your energy and the presence of time. Animation brings you a more creative and artistic space that you can enjoy while working. Animation/VFX is a postmodern art that makes the Animator/ VFX specialist an artist. Art has no boundaries and no set of rules are applicable to art. The only rule for an artist is, their work should meet the standard expectations of the client. In short, the freedom of this artistic space makes the Animation industry attractive to creative and intuitive minds.
There is no better job for those who are more into the creative and artistic side and also have a good sense and taste in colour grading. Creative directors have a major hand in the artistic development of the overall visual experience. Since VFX brings the audience to the wonders of a world that doesn’t exist or makes something happen that is far too dangerous to shoot, the creative director’s imagination sees no limits. It is the combined effort and imagination of the writer, director, and VFX artist that gives immense visual pleasure enjoyed by the audience.
Handsome Remuneration
There are common misconceptions in India that only a 9-5 job or a successful business launch will bring you wealth. But a quick review on this subject is enough to understand how skilled VFX designers are in high demand that pays them well with handsome money. It is no hyperbole to say, billions are pouring each day into this sector and it is already one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. So the demand for skillful VFX artists is uprising day by day. And the entertainment sector is ready to pay them handsome amounts of money to deliver the expected outcome. Experienced VFX designers often earn more than software engineers, and have the opportunity to make a fortune abroad too. The testimonials of VFX designers who proved their worth and made a fortune suggest once they master the art past the premature experiences, there’s never a collapse in the career graph.
Instant Job offers
Animation/VFX/CGI technology offers a lot of job opportunities as it requires a skillful team to deliver the expected outcome. As discussed earlier, the demand is so high that the supply of sufficient qualified workers is insufficient. Although Animation popularly used mainly in the entertainment sector. It has also widely used in medical, industrial, and other myriad sectors. Thus we are in need of creative VFX artists whose artistic minds could put to good use. This umbrella term covers various job positions such as Technical Animation Director, Texture artist, Video game developer, Cartoon Animator, and so on.
Fruitful Experience from Veteran Studios
The learning period allows students to experience myriad encounters. Through which students will be able to go through the fruitful outcomes delivered by veterans. Those unique experiences shall help to ignite the passion and creativity of a creator.
It is important to choose the right VFX institution which is reputed along with having an authentic background. While choosing the course since the quality of the institution will assessed while considering the candidate to add to the team.
Opportunity to work on an International level
In the future, not even the sky will be a limit for VFX animators. It opens a wide range of opportunities across the globe. The better you get at this field, the better the opportunities will knock at your door. The importance given by countries all over the world to Animation and VFX is huge. Thereby welcoming talents from any nook and corner of the world.
An esteemed VFX institution will prepare the students to upgrade to the international level. So as to compete with prospective leads around the world. The ladder to this shall be relatively easy with the association of reputed companies who have done remarkable work.
Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, Animal Logic, Studio Ghibli, Cartoon Network Studios, Dream Works Animation, Framestore, Industrial Light & Magic, etc are some of the internationally acclaimed VFX studios famous among the audience for their remarkable contributions. They are open to welcoming creative specialists who updated and skilled with the latest technologies. Incidentally, the inclination to outsource VFX labour from India by these international studios screams the need for more skilled artists. And it’s not just for the purpose of serving these international MNCs. But also to develop as a world-class independent Indian resource.
Rapid growth of the Animation Industry
Fig Reference: Graph taken from Verified Market Research website
With the rapid growth of the VFX industry with a CGAR rise of 17.2% (according to the reports of 2021). It is apparent that opportunities will only arise with time. In India alone, there is a vast growth in 3D animated movies compared to the last 10 years. The need to enhance the finest cinematic experience is increasing day by day. This is clearly visible in the reception by the majority of the audience and fan base for the movies like Avengers, Spiderman, Harry Potter, and the list goes on.
Opportunity to explore exclusive Software
Exploring the field of VFX shall introduce you to unique and exclusive Software formats inaccessible to the general public. This opens a knowledge hub that instigates the mine of creative as well as utilitarian software designed by super specialists.
Dignified role in the popular creations
To be a part of a movie/animation series that has a major fan following. And to have shown the name in the title credits of a movie is something to be definitely proud of. Not all sorts of work in the world receive such an acknowledgment. The popularity of the creation shall invite the attention of Billionaire companies like Disney or Pixar who are day by day updating the quality of their technical framework. With time and experience, one may conquer the opportunity to contribute to it along with other specialists.
Infinite possibilities, lesser talents
As said earlier, there is a scarcity of creative talents as opposed to the arising need of the hour. The best and most qualified Animation and VFX institutes are available in India. But the public is only slowly realizing it. The stubborn nature of typical families forcing their children to choose medical, engineering, or other similar degrees is hindering the right talents to enter into this vast sea of possibility. On the other hand, students with creative minds can make good use of this scarcity that naturally leads to high demand.
Hands-on Skills that are unknown to the general public
Ever wondered what it’s like to be on the off-camera side of the movie/animated series? It brings a wide range of recognition or could said it’s hard work that pays off. Ensuring the quality of graphics is taken very seriously especially when the audience has gained more awareness regarding this. The recent backlash received by some films for its poor graphics and VFX is the finest example of this.
According to survey reports, Disney’s 2016 movie ‘The Jungle Book’ bagged almost 230 crores in India alone surpassing the top Bollywood movies released together with it. Lion King (2019) similarly collected 158 crores in India. Avatar, Aladdin, etc gathered a whopping amount as well from India. It is quite apparent from the list that the audience is clearly excited about the unrealistic fictional films that bring them to the peak of excitement. VFX is commonly used in normal movies too. But ironically the plight of a well-done VFX work is that it’ll go unrecognized when it’s too good. Nowadays, visual effects are even used on the face/body of the artist. And still won’t appear fake even with a close inspection. It can contribute such levels of realistic output which often reduces the extravagances caused to producers.
Today the VFX industry prospered to the level that, of the 300-member VFX team for Game of Thrones, 40 people were exclusively dedicated to implement the visuals of dragons! As Bill Gates said, “We’re changing the world with Technology” and it is only logical to support that statement with the quote of Godfrey Reggio who said, “It’s not that we use technology, we live technology”. Thus to live technology, technical skills like these can always put to good use. In order to do that opt for the best Animation school which can channel your skills and talent through the proper medium once you find and refine the best technical artist in yourself. The future will follow you eventually.